A recruiter using cloud-based HR systems to save the hiring costs

Recruitment Software

How Investing in Cloud-Based HR Systems Saves Money Long-Term

June 13, 2024

Reem Al-Tamimi

Reem Al-Tamimi

Content Writer

So, you’re an HR leader constantly juggling the high costs of recruiting top talent. Each hire feels like a heavy investment, and the pressure to justify these expenses never lets up. But what if we told you there’s a smarter way to manage these costs, one that promises not just savings but also efficiency?

The solution lies in cloud-based HR systems.

However, a challenge remains. You pitch the idea of adopting a cloud-based HR system to your company’s decision-makers. At first, they seem doubtful, but as you explain how this technology can streamline recruitment, reduce overhead, and provide valuable insights, their doubts start to fade. It’s not just about storing employee data; it’s about transforming your HR operations into a powerhouse of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 

But how do you explain the cost benefits of cloud-based HR systems to the decision-makers in your company?

This is where this blog comes in. In this blog, you’ll learn how leveraging cloud-based HR systems can transform your recruitment process and reduce your hiring costs. There are also carefully calculated examples to help you present a compelling case to your decision-makers. 

Ready to see the impact? Let’s dive into the details.

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The Shift from Costly Methods to Cloud-Based HR Efficiency

A recruiter examining the cloud-based hr systems

Now, before we get into the details, let’s take a moment to examine how the recruitment process has evolved over the years.

A decade ago, HR management was dominated by traditional methods like newspaper advertisements and physical job fairs. Remember the days of sifting through stacks of paper resumes and cover letters? Recruiters spent countless hours manually screening candidates. This labor-intensive process was costly and time-consuming. Can you imagine executives eagerly waiting to find the perfect fit for their teams as quickly as possible?

Today, the recruitment process has transformed dramatically with the advent of digital technology and AI. Cloud-based HR systems have become the cornerstone of modern HR management, integrating all data into a single, accessible platform. These systems are hosted on a provider’s server, making them accessible anytime, anywhere. Does this sound like a faster and more efficient solution for your business?

The shift to HR cloud-based systems brings significant cost advantages. Traditional HR systems require expensive software installations, infrastructure, and ongoing maintenance by IT experts. What if you could eliminate these costs? With a cloud HR system, all you need is a monthly or annual subscription fee. This streamlined approach not only reduces expenses but also ensures businesses have access to the latest features and support. Imagine being free from the hassles of traditional methods and focusing more on your core operations. Sounds appealing, doesn’t it?

Building Your Business Case for Cloud-Based HR Systems

A recruiter using an ATS to reduce the hiring cost

To win approval for cloud-based HR systems, you need a strong business case that highlights the financial benefits. A compelling argument focuses on cost savings and the crucial Return on Investment (ROI). By comparing the initial costs of traditional HR systems versus cloud-based ones, you can showcase how this investment can positively impact your company’s bottom line.

Initial Cost Considerations: Cloud-Based HR Systems vs. Traditional Systems

Creating a business case for cloud-based HR systems begins with a clear comparison of initial costs. Traditional HR systems often require significant upfront investments in hardware, software, and ongoing IT support. In contrast, cloud-based HR systems typically operate on a subscription model, offering a more budget-friendly option with predictable costs.

Let’s break down the initial costs:

Cost FactorTraditional HR SystemsCloud-Based HR Systems
Software PurchaseHigh one-time purchaseLower subscription fee
Infrastructure SetupHigh upfront costMinimal, uses existing hardware
Maintenance and UpdatesOngoing IT support neededIncluded in subscription
Training and ImplementationExtensive and time-consumingStreamlined and often quicker
Total Initial InvestmentLow initial investment High initial investment

Discussion on Pricing Models of Cloud HR Systems

Now, you need to dive deeper into the pricing models of cloud HR systems. The subscription-based model offers flexibility and scalability, allowing you to pay only for what you use. This model typically includes maintenance, updates, and support, eliminating unexpected costs and reducing the burden on your IT department.

Additionally, cloud-based HR systems save significant time by automating administrative tasks, allowing your HR team to focus on strategic initiatives. The latest technology ensures peak performance, with advanced features accessible from various devices. Security is enhanced, with modern features keeping your data safe and user access tightly controlled.

By presenting these financial benefits and cost savings, you’ll build a strong business case for cloud-based HR systems that resonates with your decision-makers. Eager to see how these systems can transform your HR operations? Let’s dive into the details.

The Future of Work and Its Impact on Recruitment

Operational Cost Savings with Cloud-Based HR Systems

A recruiter found the best candidate using cloud-based HR systems

In the evolving landscape of human resources, managing operational costs is crucial. Cloud-based HR systems offer significant savings, providing a compelling reason for companies to make the switch. One such system, EVA-REC, revolutionizes HR operations with advanced features that streamline processes and reduce expenses. This section explores the operational cost savings that companies can achieve by adopting cloud-based HR systems, focusing on reducing IT infrastructure and maintenance costs, decreasing the need for IT staff, and saving energy and physical space.

Reduction in IT Infrastructure and Maintenance Costs

Traditional HR systems require substantial investments in IT infrastructure, including servers, storage devices, and networking equipment. Additionally, maintaining this infrastructure incurs ongoing costs for repairs, upgrades, and replacements. In contrast, cloud-based HR systems eliminate the need for such hardware by hosting data on remote servers maintained by the provider.

Imagine a mid-sized company that switched to a cloud-based HR system. Before the switch, the company spent $100,000 annually on IT infrastructure and maintenance, covering costs for new hardware, upgrades, and regular maintenance tasks. After adopting the cloud-based system, these costs dropped significantly. Now, they pay a subscription fee of $10,000 per year, for example, covering all software updates, maintenance, and support.

Cost Savings Calculation:

  • Previous annual IT infrastructure and maintenance costs: $100,000
  • The annual subscription fee for a cloud-based HR system: $10,000
  • Annual savings: $90,000

By transitioning to a cloud-based HR system, the company saved $90,000 annually. Can you imagine what your company could do with those savings?


Annually Saved on IT Infrastructure with Cloud-Based HR Systems

Decrease in Required IT Staff and Associated Payroll Expenses

Maintaining traditional HR systems often requires a dedicated IT team to manage the hardware, software, and network infrastructure. This includes tasks like troubleshooting issues, performing updates, and ensuring system security. With cloud-based HR systems, much of this responsibility shifts to the service provider, reducing the need for a large in-house IT team.

For instance, consider a large corporation that employed five IT professionals, each with an average salary of $80,000 per year, to manage its HR system. After implementing a cloud-based HR system, the company reduced its IT staff to two professionals, as the cloud provider’s support team took over many maintenance and troubleshooting tasks.

Cost Savings Calculation:

  • Previous annual payroll for IT staff (5 employees): $400,000
  • Current annual payroll for IT staff (2 employees): $160,000
  • Annual savings: $240,000

By reducing the IT team from five to two employees, the corporation saved $240,000 annually in payroll expenses. What would your company do with those extra funds?

Efficiency and Productivity Gains with Cloud-Based HR Systems

A candidate applied to job where the company use Cloud-Based HR Systems

Investing in cloud-based HR systems brings significant efficiency and productivity gains for organizations. These systems streamline administrative tasks, improve data accuracy, and enhance overall HR operations. In this section, we’ll explore how cloud HR solutions like EVA-REC can lead to faster processing times and reduced errors in data management, showcasing real-world case studies and calculating cost savings.

Automation of HR Tasks Leading to Faster Processing Times

Automating administrative tasks is one of the most impactful features of cloud-based HR systems. Automation reduces the time spent on repetitive tasks, allowing HR teams to focus on more strategic activities. This not only enhances productivity but also accelerates the overall HR process, from recruitment to employee management.

Consider a company that implemented a cloud HR solution to automate its recruitment and onboarding processes. Before automation, the company spent an average of 10 hours per hire on manual tasks such as resume screening, scheduling interviews, and processing new hire paperwork. With automation, this time was reduced to 2 hours per hire.

Cost Savings Calculation:

  • Previous time spent per hire: 10 hours
  • Time spent per hire after automation: 2 hours
  • Average hourly wage of HR staff: $50
  • Number of hires per year: 200
  • Annual time savings: (10 – 2) hours * 200 hires = 1,600 hours
  • Annual cost savings: 1,600 hours * $50/hour = $80,000

By automating administrative tasks, the company saved $80,000 annually. Imagine the additional strategic initiatives your HR team could pursue with this extra time and money.


Time Saved on HR Tasks with Cloud-Based HR Systems

Enhancing Data Accuracy to Reduce Errors and Redundant Work

Accurate management of HR data is crucial for effective human resources operations. Traditional systems often involve manual data entry, which can lead to errors and redundant work. Cloud-based HR systems improve data accuracy by centralizing and automating employee data management.

Let’s look at a case where a company transitioned to a cloud HR solution to manage its employee data. Previously, HR professionals manually entered data into multiple systems, resulting in frequent errors and discrepancies. By moving to a cloud-based system, the company reduced errors by 75% and eliminated redundant data entry.

Cost Savings Calculation:

  • Previous error correction time: 5 hours per week
  • Error correction time after implementing cloud HR solution: 1 hour per week
  • Average hourly wage of HR staff: $50
  • Annual time savings: (5 – 1) hours/week * 52 weeks = 208 hours
  • Annual cost savings: 208 hours * $50/hour = $10,400

Improving data accuracy and reducing errors saved the company $10,400 annually. Accurate data management not only saves time but also ensures better decision-making and compliance.

Scalability and Flexibility with Cloud-Based HR Systems

Cloud-based HR systems offer unparalleled scalability and flexibility, making them ideal for organizations experiencing growth or needing to adapt quickly to changing demands. These systems can scale operations seamlessly and add features or integrations as needed without significant additional costs. Let’s explore these benefits in detail, supported by real-world case studies and cost savings calculations.

Seamless Scaling with Organizational Growth

One of the standout features of cloud-based HR systems is their ability to scale effortlessly with your organization’s growth. Unlike traditional systems, which require substantial investment in new hardware and software for expansion, cloud HR solutions allow you to add users and resources quickly and cost-effectively.

Consider a company that expanded its workforce by 50% in a year. With a traditional HR system, this growth would have required significant investment in additional servers, software licenses, and IT support. However, by using a cloud-based HR system, the company simply adjusted its subscription plan to accommodate more users.

Cost Savings Calculation:

  • The previous annual cost of scaling a traditional HR system: $50,000
  • The additional cost of scaling a cloud-based HR system: $5,000
  • Annual savings: $45,000

By leveraging the scalability of a cloud HR solution, the company saved $45,000 annually. Imagine how these savings could be reinvested in other strategic initiatives to further support your organization’s growth.


Annual Savings from Scalability and Flexibility with Cloud-Based HR Systems

Flexibility to Add Features and Integrations

Cloud-based HR systems offer the flexibility to add new features and integrations as your business needs evolve. This adaptability ensures that your HR operations can keep pace with industry changes and organizational requirements without the need for extensive overhauls or replacements.

For instance, a medium-sized business needed to integrate a new performance management module into its existing HR system. With a traditional setup, this would have involved purchasing additional software, extensive IT configuration, and potential downtime. Instead, with their cloud-based HR system, they added the new module seamlessly through their provider.

Cost Savings Calculation:

  • Previous cost of adding features to traditional HR system: $30,000
  • Cost of adding features to cloud-based HR system: $3,000
  • Annual savings: $27,000

The business saved $27,000 by utilizing the flexible integration capabilities of its cloud HR solution. This flexibility not only saves money but also ensures that the HR system remains current and effective.

Real-World Example: EVA-REC

A recruiter exploring how to save costs using clou-dbase hr systems

Now, after you’ve seen how a cloud-based HR system can cut your hiring costs and convinced the stakeholders to invest in it, let’s talk about EVA-REC, one of the best systems you can get. EVA-REC is an award-winning applicant tracking system that helps companies worldwide source, attract, and hire top talent at scale. Imagine building modern career pages that convert, integrate with top technology providers, and post jobs on 2,000+ global job boards—all in one place.

Ever wondered how much time you could save by automating repetitive HR tasks? With EVA-REC, you can filter resumes quickly, rank candidates by qualification, and seamlessly collaborate with your team. This means less time spent on manual processes and more time on strategic activities. Reducing recruitment processing time from 10 hours per hire to just 2 hours is a significant time saver. In fact, EVA-REC helps companies save more than 17 hours per hire, which can dramatically enhance your HR team’s efficiency.

Data accuracy is another game-changer. By centralizing and automating employee data management, EVA-REC helps reduce errors and eliminate redundant work. Picture the peace of mind knowing your data is accurate and efficiently managed, reducing time spent correcting errors and improving overall efficiency. This not only saves time but also improves the quality of hire by 85%, ensuring you get the best candidates for your roles.

Scalability and flexibility are built into EVA-REC. As your organization grows, EVA-REC grows with you. Need to add new features or integrations? No problem. You can scale your HR operations without needing a significant investment in new infrastructure. This flexibility allows EVA-REC to reduce time-to-hire by 80%, making your recruitment process faster and more efficient.

Moreover, EVA-REC significantly reduces hiring costs. By automating and streamlining the hiring process, companies can slash their hiring costs by up to 96%. This impressive reduction allows for more efficient allocation of resources and better financial management within the HR department.

By implementing EVA-REC, you’re not just saving on operational costs. You’re boosting efficiency and productivity. Companies using EVA-REC can see substantial savings across various aspects of their HR operations, from reducing operational costs to enhancing efficiency and productivity. Ready to transform your HR operations and see the benefits? Give EVA-REC a try and experience the difference it can make.

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Unlocking the True Value: Calculating the Long-Term ROI of Cloud-Based HR Systems

A recruiter looking through job profiles using an ATS

In case you are wondering how to calculate the long-term ROI of cloud-based HR systems, it’s essential to approach it with a solid methodology. While simple online HR software ROI calculators can provide a rough estimate, they often fall short when scrutinized by financially savvy senior managers. Each company manages its HR data and processes uniquely, so a one-size-fits-all calculator won’t give an accurate picture.

To build a credible business case for your ROI for HR software, start by consulting with your finance or IT departments. They can provide frameworks from past IT project proposals. Focus on areas where the new HR system will make the most impact, such as time savings, process efficiencies, and improved data accuracy.

  • Saving Time: Identify where the HR system will reduce administrative overheads. Time saved directly translates to cost savings.
  • Ineffective Processes: Highlight processes that are currently costing money or putting the business at risk, such as incomplete timesheets or poor approval workflows. Demonstrate how the new system can mitigate these issues.
  • Inaccurate Reporting: If your current reporting is disjointed or inaccurate, show how a new system will provide reliable data for better forecasting and decision-making.
  • Lost Opportunities: Consider how faster hiring processes or freeing up IT staff from maintaining outdated systems can provide financial benefits.

By focusing on these areas, you can build a robust case for the HR software ROI that is tailored to your organization’s specific needs, ensuring your investment in cloud-based HR systems is justified and impactful.

Beyond The Bottom Line

Cloud-based HR systems offer substantial benefits, including significant cost savings, improved efficiency through automation, enhanced data accuracy, and seamless scalability. These systems streamline HR operations, allowing your team to focus on strategic initiatives and drive organizational success.

Making the strategic shift towards cloud-based HR systems like EVA-REC is a smart move for long-term financial health and organizational agility. With EVA-REC, you can slash hiring costs by up to 96%, reduce time-to-hire by 80%, and improve the quality of hire by 85%. 

Ready to transform your HR operations and see significant cost savings? Why not give EVA-REC a try?

EVA-REC is an award-winning applicant tracking system that helps companies from all across the globe source, attract, and hire top talent at scale. Where in one centralized place, HR teams can collaborate with company staff and use advanced analytics to evaluate candidates fairly and equitably. Through AI, cutting-edge technology, and 2,000+ world-class integrations – EVA-REC helps companies slash their hiring costs by up to 96%, reduce time-to-hire by 80%, improve the quality of hire by 85%, ramp up the candidate experience, and save more than 17 hours per hire. Request a free demo today!

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Reem Al-Tamimi

Reem Al-Tamimi

Turn top talent to employees fast

Hire, assess, onboard and manage top talent for every job. See how Elevatus streamlines everything; from acquire to new hire.

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